This is a shader I wrote to render anaglyph in bge without using blender's stereo function (which was broken when I wrote this). It's fairly simple and could be modified for other types of stereo, inculding generating multiview for autostereo screens (like alioscopy). It displaces the buffer based on the depthcolor. The mouse wheel controls the scale value which shifts the zero parallax plane forward and backward.
Thank you so much, I've been working on this for a few days now and your shader is a great help in my progress and understanding !
A very interesting concept. Thanks to your inclusion of the brand name 'Alioscopy', I have just spent 20 minutes on, and then watched a couple of Youtube videos from 2010 and 2009. I vaguely remember watching a news video about this company on the BBC website, but didn't follow it up because it seemed out of my reach. This could be something that I would be interested in, if I could get access to a