Tough Little Ship Fan Art Staff Pick

  • July 17, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: ChrisKuhn
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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This is the U.S.S. Defiant from ST: DS9, for those old enough to remember :)

It was Starfleet's first "warship" (although it was technially classified as an "escort vessel", I believe).

Fairly detailed, although not as much as some of my other work. Mostly this was an excuse to play with the compositor. Final model is around 100K polygons.

I had a lot of fun with the node setups on this one... the primary model is on Layer 1, but there are multiple objects on different layers. This annoys me becuase it seems messy... but it's kinda nessecary to use the compositor. Of course, you can just import the model into a new Blend file if you like and start over :)

As always, textures are packed and must be unpacked before use (File -> External Data -> Unpack...). A couple of notes on textures:

1.) The decals were created by me... so they are FAN ART for sure, but they are not stolen.

2.) The star background is a copyright-free NASA image... just so nobody gets the wrong idea :)




Please note that this model may NOT be used commercially. "Star Trek" and all related marks, logos, and designs are owned by CBS Studios, Inc. This model is not endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with CBS/Paramount or the Star Trek franchise.


  • chrisbreen1995 profile picture

    Awesome Model :D . not old enough though to remember it :p , but I'll have to look into it now. Thanks for the share.

    Written July 17, 2014
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Thanks! Some of CG is a bit dated, but you can find plenty of Defiant clips on YouTube :)

    Edited July 17, 2014
  • daren profile picture

    I remember the first time that thing came on screen, machine gun phasers... I had a nerdgasm right there.

    Edited July 17, 2014
  • Temujin profile picture

    I love it............. one of my favorite ships in the series. Now i wait for the DS9 Station. ;-)

    Written July 18, 2014
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Your wait is now over - check my profile :)

    Written January 08, 2016
  • rahulraina profile picture

    its awsm..............loved this blend....

    Written July 18, 2014
  • oldtimer profile picture

    As always, atonishing work and a nodes setup good to look into. Thanks, Chris.

    Written July 19, 2014
  • likesmeso profile picture

    Love the ship, looks great!

    Written July 21, 2014
  • DmytroKovkun profile picture

    Looks like Suzanne head)

    Written July 22, 2014
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    I'll let the folks at Paramount know :) In fairness, the Defiant made it's first TV appearance in 1994 so it beat Blender by about a year :)

    Written July 23, 2014
  • Jonas108 profile picture

    Yep, sweet ship (and show). Thanks! :)

    Written September 01, 2014
  • tofarley profile picture

    My favorite ship of the series! I am old enough to "remember" but I actually didn't get into Trek until ~2010 so this bad boy is fresh in my mind. You did an absolutely amazing job!

    Written September 07, 2014
  • Allengib profile picture

    it looks great tried doing the same ship several times yek (my version)

    Written January 13, 2015
  • davincibrush profile picture

    I remember all to well. Was 23 years old when Deep Space Nine first started. Love what you do. I hope they got you busy working somewhere. They need a person with a keen eye like yours to work on the new Star Trek Discovery. Show them kids what Star Trek should look like. Love all your work. Best of wishes to you.

    Written February 09, 2018
  • Naseem profile picture

    Thanks for sharing, DS9 was my favorite show and the USS Defiant was my first attempt in 3D modeling its bridge

    Written February 05, 2020
  • Raitan2008  profile picture

    "Little?"--Commander Worf.

    Written May 01, 2020
  • andyw3d profile picture

    I hid it in one of my scenes haha I love it. Thank you so much for making this <3

    Written December 10, 2022