Vehicles Asset pt1 Staff Pick

  • July 24, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: eracoon
  • License: CC-0
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This is a low poly 3D Vehicles asset

It's the first set I created and will create more based on this set.

Set contains 12 unique cars in 7 different colors totaling 84 different vehicles.

Feel free to let me know what you did with them. Curious to see stuff I create being used :)

For more info check my site or follow me on twitter @eracoon

Be sure to check my other assets :)

Have fun


  • ericblender7 profile picture

    a cool idea...this will be very handy for a cartoon job

    Edited July 24, 2014
  • rahulraina profile picture

    nice mesh................good for creating traffic simulation

    Edited July 25, 2014
  • APanimation profile picture

    cool thanks if you can make human pack and houses pack :)

    Edited July 25, 2014
  • eracoon profile picture

    Thank you all :) really appreciate I have some more sets in the planning. Expect more awesomeness to appear.

    Written July 27, 2014
  • Twittle profile picture

    Dude! This is literally the exact models I needed for my game! Would you be willing to help me with modeling? If not, could I just use these models for the game and give you credit? These are so good!!!

    Edited July 27, 2014
  • eracoon profile picture

    Framerboy. you can use those models for your game. they are licensed CC0. you can credit me but is not mandatory.

    Edited July 27, 2014
  • Twittle profile picture

    Thank you so much!

    Written July 29, 2014
  • Twittle profile picture

    Yo, do you mind if I change a few things (just like the colors of the textures.)

    Written July 29, 2014
  • eracoon profile picture

    Sure, make the changes you need for your project. if you don't mind to let me see :)

    Written July 30, 2014
  • CrimsonFalcon profile picture

    I want to know why is this blend a Staff Pick....

    Edited July 28, 2014
  • eracoon profile picture

    That is something you should ask the staff. But maybe because they liked the models very much and have seen the consistency I have in my style. I don't know. I have no influence in their decisions but I'm happy with it :)

    Edited July 28, 2014
  • mofx profile picture

    @CrimsonFalcon, Because it's crazy useful, "12 unique cars in 7 different colors totaling 84 different vehicles." Regardless if they are lowpoly it's an awesome share.

    Edited July 29, 2014
  • eracoon profile picture

    that drives me to create even more crazy useful stuff :P

    Edited July 30, 2014
  • eracoon profile picture

    Ok... I will. just because you and many others. I do it all for you so you can make amazing games too :)

    Edited August 12, 2014
  • Sabbir profile picture

    Great job!!!

    Edited August 16, 2014
  • eracoon profile picture

    Thank you :)

    Edited August 19, 2014
  • Ovicior profile picture

    Hey, this is epic! Can you possibly make a tutorial on how to make and rig cars? I am making a videogame and it'd be really useful!

    Written October 25, 2014
  • frameworker profile picture

    Your models had been chosen to be implemented into the low poly collection LPC more information here. By te way: Awesome models. You could just improove the materials a bit.

    Written October 28, 2014
  • poifox profile picture

    Just fyi, I fixed your url, it was missing the http:// part and so it was failing.

    Edited October 28, 2014
  • Taranka profile picture

    Thank you!

    Written April 02, 2015
  • Koyaanisquatsy profile picture

    This is Awesome! The obj-Folder seems to be empty though, but that doesn't matter, the blend File is all i need ;-)

    Written December 22, 2015
  • GalacticGG profile picture


    Could defiantly use this for my game, had an really basic idea and these help a lot!

    Even though you said below in the comments it not mandatory, I'll give you credits.

    PS: To anyone who sees this, have a nice day! :D

    Written July 28, 2017
  • pgtart profile picture

    Might use them as base models, i'm doing a product presentation for a parking system. not sure if it be placed on youtube (the product isnt yet in production).

    Written May 10, 2018
  • fernandobuenoahi profile picture

    Many thanks mann you are the best n1 i love you

    Written November 12, 2018
  • EksSquared profile picture

    I'm aiming to make an action montage with cars timed with music. These look like the quality I was looking for!

    Written December 29, 2019