Superhero suit material (cycles)

  • August 14, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Bandersnatch
  • License: CC-0
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Made for this request:

A simple cycles material meant to replicate the material of a superheroes suit, specifically spiderman in this case.

This material will require a little tweaking to look like what you need (such as making the texture less visible or smaller).

With a little tweaking, this could easily be used for many other things.

Note that while the texture appears to have a seam in the first preview image, this is simply due to the UV mapping of the model. The texture itself is seamless!! Look at the other images to see the texture when applied to a models which have been properly unwrapped.

The model is the "Blender Material Preview Scene (B.M.P.S) for Cycles"Created by: Robin "tuqueque" MarĂ­n.


  • HaBlender profile picture


    Written August 15, 2014
  • Bandersnatch profile picture

    It works when I wrap it to a sphere, plane, or Suzanne....

    I just double checked.

    It's just the UV unwrapping in BMPS has a seam. I should probably fix the UV unwrapping for this image though.

    Regardless it will work just as well with any other texture.

    Written August 15, 2014
  • Bandersnatch profile picture

    Added more images with it being seamless for you.

    Written August 15, 2014
  • aaronkandikatla profile picture

    it doesn't seem to be working on text. Any help?

    Written May 12, 2016