This download contains a BLEND file and an AddOn written for Blender 2.7.1. The BLEND file contains the mesh based tile objects setup for use with the AddOn. These tiles were created by eRacoon and are also offered for download on Blendswap as cc0 by eRacoon.
Install the AddOn, "tile_proc" into your AddOns folder. Activate the AddOn and open the associated BLEND file. Click the Generate button to make your own landscapes. Click the Color Wheel to colorize your landscape after generation.
Visit Vimeo for a video tutorial on how to use this setup.
It most certainly is :) I'm very happy with the attention I get with what I made and what People make with it. I encourage anybody to get my stuff and create the best they ever did,
Hye you stole Eracoon's ideas it's not fear. He here is 1 human who can make this .
thats ok. no worries. I cannot code on that level yet. My work is public domain... so nobody "stole" from me. I gave it to the world
That's the power of Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication :-)
My thanks to both @eracoon for the tiles and @Atom for turning them into a Blender Addon.
Is there a way to swap one of the generated tiles with another of my own choosing?
I read your thread on BlenderArtists, and you said you can swap, but you didn't say if it would be included in the tree list.
Is there any way not to have so many dead ends? That looks kind of odd. And also how do I make sure the houses are in neat rows and branch off the roads?
You can use any model set you like. Here is a link to a mini tutorial on swapping an existing tile object with your object.
That would make sense : I think I remember him stating he's been inspired by Kenney's own Isometric Road Tiles. Now, I wonder how possible it would be to mix Kenney's 3D Road Tiles with eRacoon's...
Thanks! A perfect compliment to eRacoon's tiles!