Guest Room

  • September 08, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: ariadrianto
  • License: CC-BY
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My Son (14 years old) improvement . Please feels free to comment about his job, to make it better and better...


  • oldtimer profile picture

    Hi, friend. It's a good start. I'd recommend to follow some tutorials about rendering interior scenes (there are a bunch of them in Internet). Remember that study and practice lead to perfection. Again, if this render is your first one then you'll become a qualified designer very soon. Regards.

    Written September 09, 2014
  • ariadrianto profile picture


    Written November 12, 2014
  • Orion2828 profile picture

    This is simply perfect! Well DONE!

    Written September 09, 2014
  • ariadrianto profile picture


    Written November 12, 2014
  • TowerCG profile picture

    Hey, this is done really well! I'm 13 and I've been in the 3d world for 9 months...... So, if he needs help with something (perhaps making money with his hobby, or getting better results.....) just send me a PM ;)

    BTW, this really is an Excellent scene...... It could use stronger lighting..... It appears he used an HDR for the lighting, no? Set up a sun lamp outside of the window, pointing in, and turn the size of it down (in the object data panel.....) to like .01 or something similar...... That will make your shadows sharper ;) And in all, make your scene more attractive :D If he was going for a slightly abandoned look however, I'd recommend adding dust particles around the room......... However I'd still ad a sun lamp :D Also, all the pillows are very nice, but they're just duplicated around...... I'd recommend tweaking them all to their own shape.... And DON'T make it perfect...... Let them show a little use..... And the couch material appears a little to green, which almost turns your stomach a little...... I'd recommend a richer brown look ;)

    YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CHANGE ACCORDING TO ANY OF THESE CRITIQUES! This is what would appeal to me better, maybe not to someone else...... (Although I would Highly recommend that sun lamp)

    Happy Blending! :D

    Edited September 11, 2014
  • ariadrianto profile picture

    Wow... thanks in advices... I'll make more practice ...

    Blender is great...

    Written November 12, 2014