This is my most detailed room yet. Took me about a week to do this one, a few hours a night after work and this weekend. Everything in there is my ow work apart from the 2 plants, they are by Disaster and available on Blendswap
Great model btw.
This room was done from a ref pic, I've actually posted this pic, if thats not allowed could a Mod or Admin remove it please or ask me I'll remove it. It's the second preview image. As I say this model is quite detailed, the 1024 image size of BS doesn't do it justice so I've made available a Hi-Res jpg in my dropbox
Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did modelling it.
Oh btw the HDRI is DOSCH so I've removed it from the file. It's all set up for HDRI so just go ahead and drop your own in there.Cheers, Wayne
Thanks for the compliments all of you. I love architectural viz, I enjoy modelling them.
Very nice scene well done.