Stars & Galaxy Scenes

  • October 24, 2014
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: AmuGraphics
  • License: CC-BY
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(Blender Internal Render Engine 2.65 or Higher)

1. Scroll camera Position for diffrent views in the Timeline.

2. Alter Curves in ColorManagment for diffrent colors,gamma & exposure settings.

3. In properties Tab,Camera Icons,use sensor settings,clipping & shift to adjustthe view in size,distance and scale.

4. In File output choose your location if you plan to rearrange and animate diffrent views.

Notes : Included in the Download :

  • The blendfile

  • 25 HD 1080p, individual Tiff format frames, of animated camera of a nebula & stars so you can start work write away if needed.

  • HD 1080p, h.264 encoded avi format, of animated camera of a nebula & stars so you can start work write away if needed.

I hope you enjoy the beautiful stars.

Donations & Support

Bitcoin Address : 1BSvBi3GoUUCTfpbwK7MsFBTrBH5P7WtY1

This work is released under Creative Commons CC-BY.


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