
  • November 20, 2014
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: MajorNightmare
  • License: CC-BY
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After hearing you could bake normals with a cage in Belnder 2.7+ I decided to give it a whirl. I've been critical of both cycles and Blender normals for game workflows. I get to eat my words now. Which is fine by me if I don't have to use xNormals. Nothing wrong with xNormals, but exporting high poly obj's is a pain. See Daiali Felinto's tut on baking.

It's quirky since you have go back and forth between Blender Cycles and Blender Render to check the bakes, but still better than highpoly obj's to xNormals. It's a simple test, but the results are very clean, i.e. no unwanted noise or artifacts. xNormals forte was the fact you could use a cage to cast the rays only as much as needed. This means no corners, nooks and crannies to get messed up by rays shooting past where the point where they pickup the wrong surface. Layer 1 = lowpoly, Layer 2 = high poly, layer 3 = cage, Layer 11 = lowpoly with baked normal map, layer 20 = light and camera. Look Ma no seems!



  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Cool, I didn't know, but about exporting to xNormal: There's a Blender-AddOn for Import!/Export to xNormal directly from within Blender and doing some settings, like which map you want xNormal to bake. Essentially xNormal itself becomes sort of an Addon.(If you have it installed ofcourse.)

    After installing the Addon you'll find the settings in the propertieswindow, the three bottomrows of the scenepanel.

    The pythonscript can be downloaded from HERE on

    Thought you might like to know.... :)....

    Written November 21, 2014