My first blend submission here on blendswap. Hope you enjoy. Quick model and paint in substance painter. The metallic PBR shader does not belong to me, it belongs to everyone.
Thanks. I have lots more to share. I'll try posting something every week.
nice work. upvoted. if you want to improve it a bit i'd suggest to add some thickness to certain parts (mostly i'm thinking just make lid portion that doesn't swing match the part that does to make it a little more believable. right now at certain angles you can tell it's just an outer shell there.
as it is, it's a nice model to use in the background but right now if someone wanted to have something interact with it and the lid swung back a bit they'd have to add that bit of thickness themselves so they could actually use it that way.
I agree. I rarely go in for animation detail as much of my stuff is for static environments. Perhaps moving the lid a little and adding some inside details. I'll try that.
The materials look wrong, like it is made out of gold and silver or rock with gold paint.