I found this model of a pine tree which I made over a year ago.The wood texture is from http://www.plaintextures.com/
Hi man! Thank you for this magnificent tree. I've used it in a christmas visual for czech brewery Holba. Hope you dont mind! I've given you credit in the description. Once again, thank you very much, you've saved me a lot of time :)
You can see the result here: https://cgcookie.com/image/christmas-pale-ale-for-czech-brewery-holba/
Hi man, thank you. It's very amazing! Is that using spline tree? i've tried to make realistic tree but never get it done so good as yours :D
It takes up so much space. 41 MB! Oh My God! I couldn't use it because of that. It wasted like 5 hours of my time. I dont know why dummies have started making models now. What an idiot you are! :(
Awsome work!