3d printer tutorial

  • December 26, 2014
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.4x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: no.reason
  • License: CC-BY
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Hi, I used 2,49 to make this "3d printer mechanism" for fun. I tried to stay in a cheap and easy way as half of others design cnc machines in a fun way. The professional machines are more expensive and much better too. But hey I made this for fun and to make you busy about wondering "should I get a 3d printer ?", "what kind of exist ?" (a lot of exist) and " where can I use it ?" Please note that this is just a representation and not a secure design.

Have fun about wondering "should I have own one, or just simply order on Internet a print for me, from professionals?" Thanks for downloading,

I did the update, because I had a "suggest" in words at text, which was actually my job to finish it instead of describe it in words. And as we all know about modeling "it is finished when you decide it, and to stop Blender is difficult so I did another next to it :)


  • 1DInc profile picture

    Looking cool!

    Written December 28, 2014
  • no.reason profile picture

    Thanks !

    Though this is just representation to help others, because Blender users need this help before they turn anywhere to have a decision about 3d without too much irony :)

    Written January 01, 2015