
  • January 09, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: swordsd
  • License: CC-BY
You must be logged in to download.


me and my friends play alot of online games. one boring day when i alone i had the idea to model all of my friends based only on there gamer tags. so far i have only finished one, this one. all of them will vary in quality cause this one took about 4 months to make. i hope you like the first model in the set :D next one i hope to get out in 3-4 months.


  • solarforge profile picture

    Nice Model, and the rigging is very good ! can't wait to see the next one.

    Edited January 11, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    Thank for the support. My second model isnt going to be part of my friend set. I hope to have it out before the end of this week. Its rigged, all that's left now is textures, shape keys, drivers and a few fixes on the rig. No spoilers as to what it is though :D

    Edited January 11, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    textures have been fixed. sorry to previous downloaders

    Edited January 14, 2015
  • Bandersnatch profile picture

    Very nice model! One thing though is that none of the facial rigs other than the eyes seem to be working for me. They just don't show up. Not quite sure why, I've tried fixing it, but regardless of whether the bones are tied to shapes, or I put just bones themselves, they don't show up.

    Written January 18, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    the model was made is version 2.72b so make sure you at-least run that. when i installed 2.73 i had some issues so i downgraded to 2.72b for the time being. you might have to do that. if that doesn't work try and deleting the drivers for the shape keys and test the shape keys to find out if the drivers are the problem or the shape keys. from there a solutions should be easier to find. i just downloaded my own model and the drivers work so if you still have any issues just ask. ill try and help

    Written January 18, 2015
  • Bandersnatch profile picture

    The shape keys work fine, and I'm assuming the drivers do to, but the objects and bones that the drivers tie to the shapekeys don't actually show up. The objects themselves seem to exist, but they don't actually seem to be placed in the world, nor do they seem to have any vertices. I actually started with 2.72, then upgraded to 2.73 to make sure it wasn't that. Anyway, regardless, I don't actually plan to use the model, it's a really nice model but I don't have any use for it. All I used it for was to play around with different hair shading techniques. I just noticed that those bones and drivers existed while playing around, and chose to tell you that they weren't working.

    Anyway, thanks for responding!

    Written January 19, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    do you mean the bones for the drivers aren't in the world? i have those bones in a different layer in the rig. you have to click on the rig then go to the "data" tab in the properties panel and under "skeleton" - "layers" enable all the layers with bones in them. i think this is what the problem was

    Written January 19, 2015
  • Bandersnatch profile picture

    Ah, ok, that's probably it, I'll check later (rendering something big right now)

    Written January 19, 2015
  • Arifinj profile picture

    i loke anime on blender, nice........ very cute

    Written January 20, 2015
  • Deathnerfer profile picture

    Realy Good Job !!!

    Written January 20, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture


    Written January 20, 2015
  • Tom Girardin profile picture
    Tom Girardin

    Nice! :D Man I wish I could model some of my characters like this :(

    Written January 21, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    I have been using blender since 2.51 which came out about 5 years ago. While that has help I think being able to make a model like this just takes dedication and tutorials. Here is one that helped Me alot. I suggest watching both of his character modeling series. Btw the model he makes in that tutorial is up for download on this website

    Edited January 21, 2015
  • diogeneshern profile picture

    wonderful model !!! I loved and one day I will make a flush! One question, as you did to make the background or world with nothing, totally invisible? thaks for the model!

    Written January 26, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    Thanks. The way I made the world invisable was by going to the property's panel then the render tab. Under there go to film and check "transparent"

    Edited January 27, 2015
  • diogeneshern profile picture

    Thank you very much!

    Written January 27, 2015
  • DaveArts profile picture

    Thank you for this wonderful and cute model. Sorry I accidentally press unlike button (I thought it was "like" button) I don't meant to "unlike" it. How to undo that? Oooh, I am sorry. Could some one help me for undo this action because I really like this model. Swordsd two thumb for your model.

    Written February 05, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    thanks :D to undo a unlike you just have to like that model and it should invert. also i uploaded a model a few days ago. its still on the front page if you want to check it out. you might like it.

    Written February 05, 2015
  • DaveArts profile picture

    How to like it? I can't find the like button or maybe it's automatically like when I was downloaded your blend file?

    Written February 05, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    not sure but i checked your account and my blend is in your liked blends. here is a link to my other model

    Written February 05, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    turns out to like a model you click on the heart. who would have known. i didnt.

    Written February 05, 2015
  • DaveArts profile picture

    Thanks. Felt relief to know it.

    Written February 05, 2015
  • DaveArts profile picture
    Edited February 05, 2015
  • abhi7399 profile picture


    Written February 10, 2015
  • swordsd profile picture

    thanks :D

    Written February 10, 2015
  • GusMorgan profile picture

    how do you pose it?

    Written June 28, 2015
  • flesciamento profile picture

    Hey! Very nice model! I downloaded it just few minutes ago and it's a very good style!!! One question: how can I move the mouth? Thanks!

    Written May 15, 2018
  • moecon1 profile picture

    nice mode,lgran modelo

    Written July 01, 2018
  • Satanichia profile picture

    nice models, easy rigging, and that tail is 100% legit

    Written August 28, 2018
  • aayyjayy profile picture

    Cool project!

    Written September 17, 2018