A netty, Gradient, Glowing, and techy text effect created in Blender. This effect can be used on any object.
Watch the tutorial today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r5b8LaniMQ&list=UUr1WiR4fh3LcI7bODbMuaYA
Also Visit Blender Skool for more information
Very nice! Love it. I'm so glad you made this! I use the glow effects in some of my Logo's now and it just looks amazing.... I never would have thought using a mix shader's to mix two Emissions would look this way!
Thanks. Glad to know that you liked it. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more Blender tutorials... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr1WiR4fh3LcI7bODbMuaYA
Cool, epic, awesome, terrific, outstanding, amazing, swag, beautiful... thats how I describe it!