1911 colt pistol

  • March 03, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: iRam360
  • License: CC-BY
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High Poly 1911 pistol. All components are separated. It doesn't have textures included. Rendered using Cycles.

I made this pistol thinking about Metal Gear Solid. it has the real porpotions.


  • ShipIsLoveShipIsLife profile picture

    I used your gun here: http://shipisloveshipislife.deviantart.com/art/TrustNobodyNotEvenYourself-537132390

    Edited June 02, 2015
  • Amdragg profile picture

    Just needed to use it for a school assignment, hope that will be okay...Will send video if uploaded to youtube.

    Written December 06, 2015
  • TheBlendingNoob profile picture

    Nice! How did you get the sides so smooth? I'm making a variant of the 1911 (the Llama .380 but its basically the same thing) and I'm not so great at it (hence my name). I've been working on it every day after school and I just finished the slide. I downloaded it for a reference and it makes me wonder how people get good with blender.

    Written April 04, 2016
  • RicardoSilva profile picture

    Amazing Blend might use it for a Uni Project, thanks!

    Written May 21, 2016
  • InsaneXade profile picture

    it looks very nice at first but I found various errors, and I am wondering why you decided to make each part separate. I had to go in and combine them, then remove doubles. But it is still a fine gun and will work for the visual aid I need for my book.

    Written February 05, 2017