
  • March 26, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: rianvermeulen
  • License: CC-0
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Hi everyone, [Click for Vid]

I needed some modeling exercise after a grand tour along all the game-engines (of which more in future), so I grabbed the ref's in the link below from google and started cracking.

Turns out they are from ForgeWorld, who make games that are just a set of rules you can download and play, and the plastic models to play with. Kind of in the tradition of Dungeons and Dragons I suppose. Original design of the launcher is from Will Hayes.

So, no textures and with 150.000 verts its to big for the gameEngine, but some proper texturing will allow to loose all the bevels, and many details are just screaming to be bumpmapped instead of modeled...

Anyway, below (and above) is a little video to show what is posible "as is""......

Have fun...... :)



  • toepinch profile picture

    Nice detail!

    Edited March 27, 2015
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Thanks, details, that's where the fun is, right?...

    Edited March 28, 2015
  • Akira_san profile picture

    Looks nice! I see you are using a lot of ngons and a nice way of modifies. Thx for the model.

    Written April 04, 2015
  • rianvermeulen profile picture

    Thank you, and yes, Blender just Looooves ngons.... :)

    Edited April 04, 2015
  • Sojan profile picture

    hmm i c you have the nice habit of making everything cc0! Just like me! long live open cource! I may use this in my Archo ball project! thanks! And good work!

    Written May 17, 2015
  • Benci profile picture

    Wow! This is awesome! Thank you for upload! :)

    Written March 08, 2017
  • farcodev profile picture

    My gosh! Pro work, thanks! o.O

    Written April 04, 2017
  • UnknownArtist profile picture

    Cool! Can I use this to make some weapons in a ship corridor for this demo game?? link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPd9i-DYD6g

    Written June 14, 2021