Cutting knife & board Fan Art

  • April 05, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: MVG86
  • License: CC-BY
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A simple cutting knife and board scene rendered in cycles using just procedural textures If you liked this, you can buy the complete version at my cgTrader Profile it's very cheap considering what you get and what you can do with it.


  • matthewinglis profile picture

    This looks really nice! I would like to make a suggestion though. Its really simple, the wood texture need some bump in it so for that you need a normal map. Normal maps create the illusion that the model has bump and its not just a perfectly flat surface. It also need a displacement map, this will physically manipulate the mesh to create a realistic surface. The last thing you need is a specularity map. This will tell the computer which parts of the texture receive light, which creates good realism. And when combined, it makes for some brilliant results. All of the normal maps, displacement maps, and specularity maps can be made on this website: I have an image of the node setup(, hope this isn't too confusing and hope this helps!

    Written April 07, 2015
  • MVG86 profile picture

    Ok thanks for the input , i knew about these but was using procedural textures , but yeah forgot to include the bumps , i will change and update this. I saw your node setup, and I plan on using just procedural textures and noise or voronoi or combination of both in place of the images. And i am guessing I have to do something with light paths, or maybe a layer weight facing as the fac in place of the specularity map image ??

    Written April 08, 2015
  • matthewinglis profile picture

    Oh is that a procedural texture?! Wow thats not bad mate! Better than what I can do with a procedural wood texture! So for the specularity map, its basically a black and white image with varied contrast so I think you could probably even 'make' the whole spec map inside blender. I downloaded the model and made the spec map, and I made a quick vid for it, didn't bother with audio as I thought it would be easy enough to follow. You can download the vid here (This is a very simple wooden bench model that I made based of a picture I saw from a furniture store ( (Its the one in the middle and second from the top). The textures used to make this were from CG Textures so because of their license I cannot upload the textures here. There was also a normal map, displacement map and specularity map used to make this. You can make them using this awesome website ( Rendered in Cycles at 500 samples and made in Blender 2.74. Hope you like it!) Hope this helps!

    Written April 08, 2015
  • MVG86 profile picture

    Ok I will look at those links .. But yeah you are right procedural or not if this is not real enough then I might need to use an image maybe an hdr map ...

    Written April 08, 2015
  • matthewinglis profile picture

    Oh my goodness! I just read that, I must have been trying to upload my own model at the same time, and somehow pasted my description into there! Sorry about that, heres the link for the video,

    Written April 08, 2015
  • MVG86 profile picture

    oh no issues . I will look at it now.

    Written April 09, 2015
  • JakeNyberg profile picture

    Nice job!

    Written May 12, 2015
  • MVG86 profile picture

    Hi . If you liked this, you can buy the complete version at my cgTrader profile it's very cheap considering what you get and what you can do with it.

    Written September 08, 2017
  • MVG86 profile picture

    more free 3d models coming soon !!

    Written September 08, 2017
  • tweeper profile picture

    Thanks for this one!

    Written October 10, 2021