Wasip Full Rig 1.1 Staff Pick

  • April 21, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Charletto
  • License: CC-BY
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Funny character made with Blender 2.74

Strech/Ik/Fk controllers

Eyes and blink controllers

Heel roll and tiptoe controllers

Pole controllers in arms and legs

Open mouth and Hair controllers

Facial expressions with shape keys








  • trajcedrv profile picture

    What Im I doing wrong?. I've opened the blend and armature is invisible.

    Btw: Totally cute character with lots of animation potential. I've looked at the tutorial and I like it even more. If only a could only make it animatable ;-)

    Written April 22, 2015
  • Charletto profile picture

    Thanks trajcedrv! :) I'm glad you like it. In order to see the armature, first click on reload trusted on the top of blender. Then in 3d view: open "Key N" panel, and unselect "only render" in the display panel.

    Written April 22, 2015
  • Charletto profile picture

    I've reloaded the blend file, you can try to download it again. ;)

    Written April 22, 2015
  • trajcedrv profile picture

    Thx! This was fast! I've re-downloaded Wasip and played with it for a few minutes. Once again: great character, thank you for sharing!

    Written April 22, 2015
  • poll profile picture

    muy bueno, hace tiempo que no veía un rig tan elaborado subiéndose por aquí y con un pesado al que apenas yo retocaría, si usaras drivers para manejar las shapes keys con huesos dejarias el modelo de facil uso hasta para los principiantes de blender en animación, muchas felicidades le doy 8´5 al modelo muy bueno, siga esforzandose @charlycarletto

    Written April 22, 2015
  • Charletto profile picture

    Muchas gracias Poll. Qué alegría me das con tu comentario jeje. Estoy de acuerdo respecto a lo de los drivers, este modelo lo hice hace un par de años y desde entonces no lo he retocado; ahora ya sé como aplicarle drivers. Seguramente en un futuro lo resuba con un rig facial decente. Un saludo.

    Written April 22, 2015
  • toklatuoy profile picture

    Great. love it.

    Edited April 24, 2015
  • jaketwilks profile picture

    love it !!!

    Edited April 26, 2015
  • 302park profile picture

    nice character, and cool work! thank u,

    Written April 30, 2015
  • dadu profile picture

    after some time the eyes get disappear

    Written June 05, 2015
  • Charletto profile picture

    at what point this happen?

    Written June 06, 2015
  • KsmCN profile picture

    it's funny :) thank you bro.

    Edited June 11, 2015
  • AlexelTech profile picture

    This is a very good rig : nice, fun, powerful, easy to master and really well designed and parametered ! I used it as an example for my Blender students yesterday and they loved it (I was teaching them about rigging, FK/IK and Rigify) ! I'm sure they will train on it during the summer holidays and it will be nice to see the results...

    Edited June 25, 2015
  • Charletto profile picture

    Thank you very much, Alex. It's an honour for me knowing that someone finds my rig useful for teaching. Take care! :)

    Edited August 19, 2015
  • Turum profile picture

    This is a great character, but it would be easier to use if the shape keys and all controls had English names.

    Edited December 09, 2015
  • Charletto profile picture

    Learn Spanish. It's the second most spoken language in the world, and it's very easy :)
    Blender only uses english and we also have to learn it.

    Edited December 25, 2015
  • AlexelTech profile picture

    You two are right, in fact ! That's why, as a french man, I learned English AND Spanish ;-) I'm starting Italian, German and Japanese, come back in a few years =:)

    Edited January 20, 2016
  • tvcrazyman profile picture

    Very cool! I did notice one thing though, when I shrink him he becomes deformed. Is there a setting to allow resizing without the body deforming?

    Edited February 23, 2016
  • Charletto profile picture

    I did the rig long ago, I think it's not posible to resize with the "Root" driver. Try to resize the rig in "object mode".

    Written April 01, 2016
  • cacciamai profile picture

    Hi Charletto. I love the rig but I'm having problems with his teeth. They load down below the chin area. I tried the re-load button but it doesn't change anything. I'm on a MAC and I'm using the latest version of Blender 2.77. What can I do to fix this issue? Please let me know. Thanks (grazie mille) Marcello

    Written August 12, 2016
  • matiaslanzi profile picture

    Awesome rig, thou I experienced some problems when I tried to scale to fit my scene, the head and feet get squashed.

    Written March 06, 2017
  • Rasul profile picture

    can i use it commercial works pls tell me artscombd@gmail.com

    Written September 07, 2019
  • Pat529 profile picture

    Nice Character, Thank for Sharing This.. :)

    Written November 01, 2019
  • Pat529 profile picture

    NICE Character Thanks BRO! :)

    Written June 30, 2020