Minecraft Squid Fan Art

  • April 22, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: BlenderUnknown
  • License: CC-BY
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This squid was designed for the minecraft animation "Squidz".


This is the exact same model except for the fact that I made the rig a little easier to use. This Blender asset can be used for any project comercial or private under these conditions:

#1: You give "Caleb Reetz" credit for designing the model

#2: You provide a link to this model

#3: You provide a link to the video this was designed for

Have fun with the file! Hope you guys make some realy awesome animations/renders with it! It would be AWESOME to see what you guys do with it! Leave a link in the comments below if you would like to share your work! Happy Blending!!


  • ThePotatoKing55 profile picture

    Pretty cool! I'm grabbing minecraft rigs left and right for that one day I'll have inspiration for a good animation, and this is totally worth adding to it.

    Edited April 26, 2015
  • BlenderUnknown profile picture

    Great! If you have any questions about the rig feel free to ask me! Also, stay tuned, I am hopefully going to make a few changes to the rig to make it a whole lot easier to use!

    Written April 27, 2015
  • ThePotatoKing55 profile picture

    @BlenderUnknown Cool! I'll check by every now and again.

    Written April 29, 2015