Bamboo Pen's Stand

  • May 25, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: TimoShch
  • License: CC-BY
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3d-printable stand for the Wacom's Bamboo graphical tablet pen. But it'll probably fit (with proper dimensions setting) for other tablets' pens, or even for regular pens and pencils.

  • And as a bonus there is a simple model of Bamboo's pen itself in this .blend file.


  • zouitinam profile picture

    I don't like it bro, it seems to be very fragile and impractical. But +1 for the aspect. It looks great but useless.

    Written May 27, 2015
  • TimoShch profile picture

    It seems. Of course, if you hit it with a hammer, it'll most likely break. But it is strong enough to hold a pen. Or you can print it in steel (my printed version is in plastic/polyamide).

    Written May 27, 2015
  • Sharkigator profile picture

    Looks great! How did you get rid of the overlaps? Did you use use blender's boolean modifier or did you use a special technique/software? Because from my experience, blender's booleans are really slow and unreliable.

    Written May 29, 2015
  • TimoShch profile picture

    Yeah, Blender's booleans are not very good. I tried to use it at first, but it creates many unnecessary vertices and edges, which are hard to clean up. So in the end I decided to create joints manually. I "outlined" overlapping surfaces with the Knife-tool, deleted unnecessary faces, and created new face loops/"seams" (there is a raw model in this blend, you can look yourself to get the idea). I must admit, though, it was a daunting work (it took me almost two days only to combine joints), but I'm more than satisfied with the result.

    Edited May 29, 2015
  • Sharkigator profile picture

    Yeah, that sounds like a lot of work. I hope there will be a quicker solution some day.

    Written May 30, 2015