Trainguy's Minecraft Guardian Rig Fan Art

  • June 10, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Trainguy
  • License: CC-BY
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From the creator of my rather successful rigs, I present my guardian rig.

BACKGROUND INFO: This rather new mob introduced in Minecraft 1.8 is known to be one of the more challenging mobs. They protect 8 gold blocks in an ocean monument which you can find in deep ocean biomes. They attack with a 'lazer' beam that charges up and does nearly 10 health of damage. These sea creatures attack squids and players

RIG INFO: Features of this rig include:

A move-able and bendable eyebrow Moveable eyes Drivers for blinking, and extending the spikes 3D aspects (What look like planes in the game are modeled to be cubes) Fully rigged Ability to replace normal Guardian image and replace with Elder Guardian image, which is located in the minecraft.jar file

CREDITS: Rigging, Modeling, and 3D Reference done by me, Trainguy If you plan to use this rig in an animation, Credit is not required, but is appreciated.


  • Panba profile picture


    Written June 11, 2015
  • matthewinglis profile picture

    Very nice, looks accurate!

    Edited June 11, 2015
  • TheDuckCow profile picture

    looks great, nice job! It's fun playing with the spikes

    Written June 15, 2015
  • Trainguy profile picture

    Thanks, I made them in to two separate shape keys is because in the game the two sets move differently. I try to make my rigs simple with as many details as I can. After fiddling around with the spikes I agree, the spikes are actually quite fun :D

    Written June 15, 2015
  • Trainguy profile picture

    And, the reason I wanted to make a guardian rig is because on a server with a couple of friends we were trying to make a guardian farm in survival, and the guardians made it take hours to do, and they made me loose about a stack of diamonds, which was my worst mistake yet. Maybe if I do get exporting to work I'll upload an obj file of an ocean monument with no water.

    Written June 15, 2015
  • Hydraslayer343 profile picture

    Is it ok if I use this in an animation?

    Written October 06, 2015
  • Hydraslayer343 profile picture

    Also your Wolf and Wither Blends, too?

    Written October 06, 2015
  • Trainguy profile picture

    Yes you can :) but also stay tuned, I should have a rig pack coming out by the end of the year with ALL my rigs completely revamped, plus quite a few new ones :)

    Written October 06, 2015
  • Hydraslayer343 profile picture

    Thanks :) Can't wait for the rig pack!

    Written October 07, 2015