Recurve Bow and Arrow

  • July 23, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: twin97
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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I just went to summer camp and there was archery and it was a lot of fun... so I made this, enjoy.

I believe the shader on the riser is everything else was made by me.

There are four bones to control this, one that pulls the string, one that controls the arrow, one that aims the arrow, and one that moves everything else to make it extremely easy to animate this bow.


  • FRAAAH profile picture


    Written November 26, 2015
  • Grostic403 profile picture

    Ty. this is good. prob gonna use this in a(school not commercial) project. give u credit if i do.

    Written September 28, 2016
  • twin97 profile picture

    Cool, if you do use it, though, if you didn't already plan on it, you should probably redo the materials or re-texture it, because as of right now, it probably doesn't look the best. Another problem you might have would be if you try to rescale this, because the limbs track to the bone that pulls the string using a limit distance restraint, you'll have to go into the bone restraints for the "topLimit" and "bottomLimit" bones and hit reset distance on the limit distance restraint

    Written September 29, 2016