A model of paper origami crane made from a folded plane. This blend file contains a model of origami crane, folding and flying animations and a dragon origami made from the crane model (morphing animation from crane to dragon). Non-animated models are present in the second layer. Note that, unlike the crane origami, the dragon model isn't a true/possible fold.
That is great thanks for it. Could you please detail the technique how you 'fold' around an edge?
Hi paulemmanuel. We want to get in touch with you regarding possible work regarding this animation. If You are interested please contact us trough prison@onliveline.de. Thanks.
Hey, I like the way you included the folding of the crane in your animation:-)
The morph and subsequent slow motion is inspired ... I can imagine an atmospheric refraction of hot air causing a mirage ... did I see it ot did I not?!