Custom Sky Shader for Cycles

  • July 27, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Nic4Las
  • License: CC-0
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A custom Sky shader I made for Cycles. You can use it for reflection or for global lighting (just like an HDRI) but using a mapping node you can animate the location of the clouds and the sun. The shader is highly customizable and even gives you some maps of compositing.

hope you like it :-)

Update: 1.1: -Fixed missing Camera thus failing to render

And sorry for any spelling mistakes if you find any please let me know.


  • twin97 profile picture

    Are you serious? I literally just started making something like this... Looks great by the way!

    Edited July 28, 2015
  • Nic4Las profile picture

    thanks maybe this helps you make your own shader you can always take a look in my node

    can't wait what you came up with :-)

    Edited July 29, 2015
  • robwesseling profile picture

    Its very nice, could use it in combination with HDRI environment map. And then in the node setup you use a lightpath node; if it is a camera ray then use the custom sky otherwise hdri. That way you render the custom one, but real lighting in done by the HDRI environment map. Mhh, I don't see the like button here.. I will look around for it.

    Edited December 20, 2015
  • Nic4Las profile picture

    Thanks for the tip I'll look into it. I am working on a completely new node that is even more customisable maybe i can incorporate a real HDR that would certainly fix a lot of problems I'm encountering. :-)

    Written January 12, 2016
  • alexandre profile picture

    thank you nice!

    Written August 30, 2020