Multiple weapons change in the BGE with one button.

  • August 08, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: CaptainRex
  • License: CC-BY
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Hello, : ) I am responding to a question ( about how to make weapons change in the BGE by pressing the same button twice. I made this .blend so that you have three guns, but you can very simply change it to only two. It was supposed to be a movie tutorial, but I ran into some movie problems, so it is just the .blend...I will try to update soon. You may use the Empty and logic CC-0, but the guns you have to give credit. (CC-BY) This .blend will help get this concept down, but also give you ideas on how to do lots of other stuff as well. Hope this is helpful, please leave a Like or comment and may the .blend be with you : ) Cheers, Rex


  • CaptainRex profile picture

    Good, glad it works : ) Hope it answers your question.

    Cheers, Rex

    Written August 11, 2015