I've been researching cycles smoke simulation, materials and rendering a lot lately, and this is the shader for smoke and fire that I've come up with. It produces defined smoke without losing much detail (my original shader lost detail), as well as blackbody fire. The test scene is like in the picture: wineglass, inspired by Blenderdiplom's smoke in cycles demos. The smoke behavior could use some work. I've also added a small amount of compositing to the scene. Test this shader in different conditions and let me know what results you come up with.
I'm not sure why, but when i tried to render the scene for the second time, the fire was unnaturally red and pink. Can someone explain?
I temporarily fixed the problem by adding an RGB Curves node to the fire. I'm not sure what caused the problem, but it might be something worth looking into.
Looks awesome and cool but how do you actually get the shader instead of using the test scene?
This is excellent looking out come. Thanks for sharing. and keep testing :)