Blend4Web Planetarium

  • November 10, 2015
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: b4w
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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This is the source blend file for an interactive web application which demonstrates using Blend4Web's annotations. Annotations are essentially expandable markers containing a short and detailed description. This way you can attach comments to 3D objects or their parts.

This is an example of a rich informative app created without any programming. All the content was created entirely in Blender and converted for the Web with a simple export operation.


  • b4w profile picture

    What you get after you export from this file using Blend4Web can be seen here. Download the Blend4Web add-on here. It is free and open source!

    Written November 10, 2015
  • fabien profile picture

    Hi. This is just amazing. Really.

    Thanks a lot for sharing

    Written November 29, 2015
  • RedFrost profile picture

    This is amazing!

    Written November 11, 2015
  • b4w profile picture

    Thanks guys, I'll keep posting more Blend4Web SDK examples here.

    Written December 01, 2015
  • Flicker profile picture

    Hey ! being a newbie @ blend4web and also not very good in blender :DD I downloaded ur file and wow ! its like good material to study how u did it. I have a simple doubt, how did u achieve texture result of the orbits of so small .jpg image? I could see the orbits.jpg, also it is applied on the plane in two halves. can u explain a bit plz? I tried to locate in material & texture panel but couldn't understand .


    Written March 30, 2019
  • HenryWatson profile picture

    This source blend file is great for creating interactive web applications with Blend4Web's annotations. Annotations allow you to add expandable markers with detailed descriptions to 3D objects, making your project more informative and engaging. For professional web development support, you might want to check out They can help take your project to the next level.

    Written May 16, 2024
  • kropals profile picture

    The use of Blend4Web for creating interactive web applications with annotations showcases innovative ways to engage users without traditional programming. For those seeking advanced web solutions like this, Lightpoint Global's Custom Web Portal Development Services offer tailored portals that enhance user engagement and operational efficiency. Whether it's customer self-service, e-commerce, or community engagement, their expertise ensures robust, scalable solutions. With a focus on UX/UI design, back-end development, and integration with diverse systems, Lightpoint facilitates seamless portal development. Explore their offerings here to leverage cutting-edge technology and enhance your digital presence effectively. Contact them to discuss how their services can elevate your web application strategies.

    Written June 15, 2024