Deep Space Nine (High Poly) Fan Art

  • January 03, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: ChrisKuhn
  • License: CC-BY-NC-SA
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A (very) high poly mesh of Deep Space Nine.

I really do mean "mesh", by the way - basic materials are assigned, but the first preview image is heavily photoshopped. The others should give you a better idea what of you're getting.

With all three sections of the station turned on (which you may not need, depending on the shot), the model clocks in at just over a million polygons. That's a huge number, but the polys all serve a purpose - there's no random subsurfing or extraneous loop cuts.

I made a somewhat unusual choice here by cutting the windows into the model (instead of using normal maps). There are a couple of reasons for that. First, it's more fun :) Secondly, the windows are only about 3% of the overall poly count, so you wouldn't have seen a huge difference in rendering time. Third, this way you can separate the windows and put them on another render layer (if you want to use the compositor).

The materials are pretty basic, but at least all the slots are assigned (meaning you don'thave to go through and manually put glass on all the windows). If anyone actually wants to texture this thing, I'd love to see it :) It wouldn't be as bad as you think - there are tons of mirror modifiers and duplicate objects. I just don't have the interest (and I've used up all my spare time).

More pics of the model available on my Facebook page.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Please note that this model may NOT be used commercially. "Star Trek" and all related marks, logos, and designs are owned by CBS Studios, Inc. This model is not endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with CBS/Paramount or the Star Trek franchise.


  • Artie61 profile picture

    Top Notch as usual ! Did you screen record any of this , this looks like a beveling nightmare ,You make it look so easy , I try to mimic your beveling but I end up with overlapping geometry , and clean up is frustrating , your modeling hard surfacing is amazing and realistic, even in clay state . spare Time ? you deserve a vacation all the stuff u give for free Thanks Artie

    Edited January 03, 2016
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Thanks! I've done a few tutorials here and there... but I don't generally record my workflow for timelapse... especially not with big models. The thing is, I dont always know how I'm going to model something ahead of time... sometimes I have to try out a few different ideas. Also, I tend to jump around a lot during the project. A timelapse would take a ton of editing. :)

    Written January 04, 2016
  • Lomar profile picture

    Breathtaking. Have. To. Get. New. Computer! Thank you!

    Written January 03, 2016
  • MarcoD profile picture


    Written January 04, 2016
  • RedFrost profile picture

    This has to become a staff pick!

    Edited January 04, 2016
  • mmorao profile picture

    This is impressive ! I mean, this is impressive to us poor mortals, but routine work for Kuhn Ind. and others of the same class :-)

    Written January 04, 2016
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Thanks :) But I assure you, I'm just as mortal as the next guy. I spend plenty of time screwing up, forgetting simple things, and cursing out my computer :). That's what they forget to mention in all the Blender tutorials - even when you know how to do this stuff, it still kicks your ass and takes forever...

    Edited January 04, 2016
  • sendinthejagdpanther profile picture

    Awesome, how did you do it in just 14megabytes though?

    Written January 05, 2016
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Thanks! To answer your question: First, I deleted all the UV maps. Secondly, I used the same mesh data for identical parts of the station. Third, I used mirror modifiers wherever possible (which was a lot if places). Even though you have a million polys in the scene, there are only about 180K polys that Blender actually has to keep track of. Thus, the file size is on par with a much smaller model.

    Written January 06, 2016
  • BMF profile picture

    As always, high quality modeling in all respects. You always inspire me to try harder. Thanks.

    Written January 10, 2016
  • blenderjunky profile picture

    Absolutely incredible! Great, great work!

    Written January 10, 2016
  • serin019 profile picture

    Cheers for this model mate! It looks rather shiny next to the new book DS9

    Written July 11, 2016
  • sbod profile picture

    awesome, absolutely great work , WOW ! How long did you work on this model ?

    Written February 17, 2017
  • sbod profile picture

    question please: whats the reason about the realy poor cuda - Gpu performance if i render this great model? I see only cyclic gpu load peaks and no constant full gpu load. The tiles size is 256x256, all fine, hmmm

    Thanks !

    Written February 19, 2017
  • savensat profile picture

    could i use this for a fan film? there is no revenue involved just for fun only

    Written October 04, 2017
  • korax profile picture

    You know, your models are the reason I go to BlendSwap. Besides the unbelievable level of detail, I just love the shots you provide for preview of the models... please don't stop :-)

    Written March 24, 2018
  • joeh90 profile picture

    What a lovely model! As one of the original designers on DS9 and the station I'm so happy to find this. Wonderful work.

    Written December 11, 2020
  • Gabsy profile picture

    Can i use it for a short film? PLS

    Written March 29, 2021
  • Flowerlord2 profile picture

    I hopefully plan to be using the model for a mod for an indie game known as Stellar Warfare, with full credit to you. Don't worry, I make no money. My ghosh, this is probably the best model I've used, if not ever. Its beautiful, gorgeous in all the right ways. It's also one of the only models I've actually had no problem making into a mod so far. Its, just, amazing. Tops off to you.

    Written April 10, 2023
  • Moul1940 profile picture

    This model for making movies is so cool! Or put it in the travel and exploration games in Donkey Kong is also a good idea.

    Written August 10, 2023