Procedural Sky with Realistically Lit 2D Clouds

  • January 18, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: jjgignac
  • License: CC-0
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This blend provides a convincing animated sky with wispy clouds. A few highlights:

  • Drivers are used to make the built-in sky texture follow a sun lamp.
  • The world texture is modified to make the sun directly visible in the sky (since Cycles doesn't show it by default)
  • The clouds are on a large plane instead of in the world shader. This enables them to be lit by the environment (including the sun), and to cast shadows.
  • For the clouds, I created a custom "Omni Shader" that scatters light in any direction without bias. At first I thought a 50% mix of the Diffuse and Translucent shaders would accomplish this, but that combination is biased against scattering perpendicular to the surface, and the result shows up as an ugly artifact.


  • Tertion profile picture

    Cool, a sky with procedural coulds, I was looking for something like that ! Thanks for sharing.

    Written January 24, 2016
  • ssssss profile picture

    Thanks! Amazing! :)

    Written October 20, 2020