Dassault MD.312 Flamant

  • February 26, 2016
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Helijah
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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Dassault MD.311-312-315 Flamant is a military liaison aircraft and training developed by Dassault Aviation in the late 1940. It was built in 325 copies, in service with the French Air Force until 1982, and also used by four foreign countries. (source Wikipedia)


  • mmorao profile picture

    C'est gentil mais ce n'est pas un Jabiru :lol: Je vois que si j'en veux un je dois le dessiner moi-même :-)

    Fine, but that's not a Farman Jabiru! I see that if I want one I have to do it myself :-)

    The engines looked familiar, I had no idea the Argus production had continued in France post-war. In that case why the horrid radials on the French-made Fi 156 (whose proper designation wludes me now...) ?

    Written February 26, 2016
  • Helijah profile picture

    LOL. I have over 300 models in my hangar. And before creating new models, I have to update all the old for FlightGear :) I only have two hands and a head :) Although I am quick to create a new model, you must be patient :)

    Regards Emmanuel

    Written February 27, 2016
  • mmorao profile picture

    What you need is a faster mouse :-) I'll be browsing my old "Fana" pile to see if I find a moderately decent 3-view, then we'll talk!! Thje poor bugger was so ugly that everybody wanted to sweep it under the carpet and pretend it never existed.

    People who don't know what I'm talking about would be advised to do a google image search for Farman Jabiru, it's worth it but I'd advised some eyedrops afterwards ;-)

    Written February 27, 2016
  • PoloFgrs profile picture

    Je me demandais comment vous faisiez votre peinture ? je suis en train de dessiner un Pilatus PC9, mais je ne trouve pas de moyen pour rajouter une couleur realiste... ? Merci d'avance ! I was wondering hot you did your paintskim ? I'm doing a Pilatus PC9, and can't find a way to add realistic paint on it... ? Thanks in advance !

    Written February 28, 2016
  • Helijah profile picture

    Hey PoloFgrs

    More simple than a long explanation, I created a tuto long ago:

    In French : http://helijah.free.fr/flightgear/Creation/UV-Map/uv-map-fr.html

    In English (google translate) : http://helijah.free.fr/flightgear/Creation/UV-Map/uv-map-en.html

    Regards Emmanuel

    Written February 28, 2016
  • PoloFgrs profile picture

    Great ! Thanks a lot, and great job ! :-D

    Written February 29, 2016