Star Wars: Nebulon B Frigate Fan Art

  • March 12, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Daniel74
  • License: CC-0
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Medium detailed model of a Nebulon B Frigate from Star Wars. The model is totally free to use, but the Star Wars copyright belongs to Disney.


  • CaptainRex profile picture

    WOW WOW WOW! : ) I am so going to die... but that would mean I wouldn't get to make something with this... so I think I won't ; )

    Very well done.

    Cheers, Rex

    Written March 12, 2016
  • Daniel74 profile picture

    Haha, good! Wouldn't want you to die Rex :) Trying to put together a little image at the moment and not sure what ship to do next. Any suggestions? I want to keep the ships general and not specifics like Falcon or Slave 1.

    Written March 12, 2016
  • Daniel74 profile picture

    Added an image using this and other models at

    Written March 12, 2016
  • Inferry profile picture

    Wonderful work as well as the others you have made so far.

    A suggestion if you don't mind, the tint of the window makes it "pop out" from the rest of the model, I'll change it to a less saturated tone, perhaps even white.

    Written March 13, 2016
  • Daniel74 profile picture

    Thank you for the suggestion. I'm not so good at texturing and followed some tutorials to get some help. It got a lot of flares in it but I kept it as a tribute to JJ Abrams old habit of using lensflares a lot. I will try and see if it looks better with less saturation and maybe reduce the flare.

    Written March 13, 2016
  • ikbenjegame profile picture

    awesome work again!

    Written March 13, 2016
  • Daniel74 profile picture

    Thank you!

    Written March 13, 2016
  • Syphadias profile picture

    Could you please drop a zip of the materials? I would like to use this for a game and without the materials as either jpg/png, I am unable to use this :/

    Edit: Nevermind the sketchfab DL has the textures

    Written January 07, 2017