The Destructive Film Simulator is a composite node group for Blender that convincingly replicates the effect of old color film from the 1960s & 1970s. It uses a combination of animated raster and procedural textures to ensure that the effect never loops or repeats itself.
Damn, nize! exactly yesterday i was looking for an tutorial or something else for this effect, but found nothing! And today, here it is! :D THX a lot
Really Good! However it just takes so long to composite together in a render!
I gotta say, I can't thank you enough. I am going to need this to overlay on some video in a couple days, and I had no idea what/how to do it.
Damn.. Im sitting in a room with the guy that made this. Awesome stuff! Im gonna give this a try!
I have no idea how to use it ;) Could anyone write short step by step explanation for schoolless dumbasses ;D Thanks in advance
Here's a demo of the effect on YouTube.