Erato, Monte Calvo, 2nd century A.D., marble, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta.
The young woman wears a wreath of flowers in her hair and a large cloak wound around her right side and arm. she plays a kithara or lyre and may be Erato, the Muse of Erotic Poetry.
Dude that is an amazing sculpt!
Well done, and thank you for posting you work :D
And what ever you do, don't blink.
Cheers, Rex
Thanks for the comment. Just to make it clear, this is 3D scan I made with photogrammetry and Memento :). I did not sculpt them. But the result is the same: people can used them for their own scene.
Now that there is a great piece of art,love the description as well if only I could listen to the poetry lol.