Tac Force TF-705 Knife Fan Art

  • December 30, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: androgenius23
  • License: CC-BY
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The second knife that i've made for my weapons collection. I've picked this one cause i've got an impression that it's going to be tough to do ( but it wasn't ) and because it llooks so damn cool. Just like in my previous blends i've used the same old great materials, here they are:

Metal material was created by user Elbrujodelatribu, and can be found in this fine pack: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/69793

Plastic material is available here: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/80440

Floor material is at: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/67684

I've made some slight changes to original materials, but just a little bit ones. I hope that in my next project i won't have to use other folks work, since i've started to learn about material nodes couple days ago :)

I'm adding Fan Art mark to that one too, because it's original Tac Force design. Also if you decide to use this handy knife somewhere don't forget to mention about it's materials origin, and hopefully about me :)



  • giulianoPJ profile picture

    thanks, it's amazing. i'll try to print it in 3d color with a J750

    Written January 28, 2017
  • androgenius23 profile picture

    wow, cool idea, would be great to see how it looks after that. If you'll print it maybe you could send me a pic or two :D

    Written January 28, 2017
  • DEEPgames profile picture

    Sweet! Was just shopping for a pocket knife a few days ago, and actually saw this one XD. BTW looks amazing ;)

    Written January 29, 2017
  • androgenius23 profile picture

    I'm glad you like it ;)

    Written January 30, 2017