Sharp edged Man

  • June 07, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: holmen
  • License: CC-0
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This is my stylized lowpoly model. I used the Edge split modifier and subsurf to get the Smooth/hard look I wanted on the model. The actual model is quite lowpoly. The model is fully rigged with a modified Rigify rig. To the contrary of my other headrigs this one relay heavily on shapekeys for the facial expressions. To cut down rendertimes and to try new things in the material editor I used a own made material based on matcaps and I tried to make it easily modified. I'm quite happy about how I got the materials to work.

There is some parts I am not pleased with, I would have made the fingers and resting pose different if I started again. My decision to use Rigify instead of building my own rigg from scratch ended up being a problem though it was to complex to modify once generated.

I have had a 3 year break from Blender and this project was just what I needed to reignite my Blender lust :)



  • howy2012 profile picture

    'Cause everybody's crazy 'bout that sharp edged man...

    (sorry - couldn't resist)

    Edited June 08, 2016
  • Ted3d profile picture

    Great model! thanks a lot for sharing Still learning Blender

    Written June 09, 2016
  • S3rl profile picture

    he looks edgy

    Written April 20, 2019