
  • August 03, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: kira1999
  • License: CC-BY
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blender model used particals and physics for this. If there is any problems let me know and i will fix. Apparently it is blender render rather than cycles though I am pretty sure I made it in cycles on my old laptop


  • Ndakasha profile picture

    It fades out into space and it does not have a visible distinct boundary with that said its still a great render, the color variation and the glow in the center looks cool.

    Written August 05, 2016
  • kira1999 profile picture

    What do you mean by visible distinct boundary you mean the end of the galaxy?

    Written August 05, 2016
  • Ndakasha profile picture

    The white line along the rim is too visible if he could extend it out of the camera view.

    Written August 07, 2016
  • BudJillett profile picture

    I thought this, too, and realized when I switched to "render layer" from "compositing" the white line went away and I got a much better result. The photo above isn't the best result possible from this file.

    Right now I'm working on trying to get the galaxy to spin with the arms trailing, rather than leading. I know they can spin either way, but to me it looks more natural if the arms trail the motion. Overall, a great piece.

    FYI to other users--it's actually a Blender Render even though it's listed as Cycles.

    Written January 05, 2017
  • kira1999 profile picture

    Odd cause I used cycles when I rendered this and made this on my old laptop guess I will have to see if I still have the file if not I will just download it and try to fix it and maby animate it.

    Written January 06, 2017
  • spartan019 profile picture

    You might want to fix the render engine. Its not cycles.

    Edited August 05, 2016
  • Mozitux profile picture

    This user as just reposting the original blend of "cpkmexico".

    Original blend file :

    Edited August 06, 2016
  • ngilmore profile picture

    nice job

    Written August 07, 2016
  • kira1999 profile picture

    yet I didn't so mind not making up stuff?

    Edited August 11, 2016
  • kira1999 profile picture

    they not even close... just looked at what you said

    Edited August 11, 2016
  • wmudge profile picture

    Very nice model. Did you ever find the Cycles version? Please include a link to that if you have it. Thanks!

    Written April 10, 2019