Pixar Presto Theme

  • August 22, 2016
  • Blender 3.0x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: thedaemon
  • License: CC-BY
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I have been watching videos of Pixar's Presto Animation software and decided to try and mimic it's theme. I hope you enjoy.

Updated for 3.x WIP, let me know if I am missing anything


  • dakiru profile picture

    Hey, thanks a lot for this one. I've been struggling to find a balanced color scheme, that works day or night. Yours' by far the best.

    Edited September 02, 2016
  • thedaemon profile picture

    Thank you very much. I just updated it to fix the low contrast of wireframe in the viewport. Please let me know if you have any other issues.

    Edited January 13, 2017
  • dakiru profile picture

    It still remains being the theme of my choice. Thank you. I've met a few inconsistencies, but can't recall exact details at the moment. In case I spot anything, I'll take some screenshots :)

    Edited January 14, 2017
  • omarandreti profile picture

    Thank you very much! I loved this theme... something quite different to what you usually see.

    Edited May 11, 2017
  • Etheras profile picture

    Hi there ... thank you so much for downloading it for us.... although i do have a detail... it´s on xml format and i have blender and i tried to import but ir doesn´t have the format i need

    Written August 02, 2023
  • Thiltheat profile picture

    Are there any specific features of Presto that you've focused on replicating in your theme? User interface elements, soccer skills world cup, color scheme, etc.?

    Written March 19, 2024