Accidental Wires

  • September 01, 2016
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: blrookie
  • License: CC-BY-NC
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Maybe someone found this in a similar way. What I did: I took a base geometry (f.e. cube) , went to editmode, delete only faces , converted the remaining wireframe to curve, give the curve 'full, dep:.05, res:8', converted back to mesh und applied a subdiv modifier with 3 on it. I found it funny and aesthetic what I have got.


  • jlnh profile picture

    Creative Mind! :)

    Written September 01, 2016
  • ThePhorger profile picture

    Just curious, do you know about the wireframe modifier? I think it's probably a little faster and/or easier for these shapes. Cool renders!

    Written September 14, 2016
  • blrookie profile picture

    Sorry for answering so late. The wireframe modifier creates the shapes exactly the same way like in wireframe view. It is not the same that I did. I found it curious that the result was not so regular ...

    Written October 04, 2016
  • macrogramz profile picture

    Very nice! Amazing what tricks people find while tinkering in Blender.

    Written November 08, 2016