Meteor Crater, Arizona

  • October 10, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: unixseb
  • License: CC-BY
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This scene is for blender 2.78 It recreate the meteor crater from very dense lidar points cloud. i had to downgrade my original textures size to fit the max upload size. Original file weight more than 2GB ! You'll probably need to unpack all textures (file->external data->Unpack all into files) to render the scene correctly as the displacement map is a 32bit one (and i don't know why but the plane stay flat when this file is packed) The scene is optimized for GPU rendering on a 4GB Vram card, to acheive better quality or lower memory, you'll have to tweak the render subdivision rate in the geometry section of the render panel. 0.33 is for GPU rendring, if you have time, switch to CPU and decrease to 0.1 (you'll need 32GB ram, put 0.25 for 16GB)


  • phxbug profile picture

    There is a problem with the height map

    Written October 11, 2016
  • unixseb profile picture

    you have to unpack it to make it work, i don't know why but when the file is packed, the plane stay flat, but if you unpack it, all works as expected. ( i think it is because it is a 32bit tiff and blender is not supposed to support it) i explain how tu unpack (just in case you don't know how to) in the description.

    Edited October 11, 2016
  • phxbug profile picture

    I did save the file first , I unpacked the file . The file appears to be Black at all points In the image editor ctrl click a point the get the coords and the values all read 000 in RGB or HSV. Do you have external link to texture? Am I Missing something

    Written October 13, 2016
  • unixseb profile picture

    it's almost "normal". this file is a 32 bit elevation data file with a verry wide range, if you want to see something, open it in photoshop or gimp and use then "hdr turn" function and adjust the contrast/luminosity. it produce elevation datas for the displacement mappping but don't produce good visual datas.

    Written October 13, 2016
  • unixseb profile picture

    and here's the reason why i use 32 bit :

    Written October 13, 2016
  • phxbug profile picture

    What is the source on your images? USGS?

    Written October 13, 2016
  • unixseb profile picture

    No, i fetch a lidar cloud point on opentopography and converted it to elevation datas using globalmapper.

    Written October 13, 2016
  • unixseb profile picture

    Usgs elevation datas genrally have a 30 meters resolutions, 10 meters in some parts of the World. The lidar cloud points i used have a resolution of 10cm.

    Written October 13, 2016
  • floydkids profile picture

    Looks cool! I think that there might be an American flag at the bottom though. Just a suggestion. :-)

    Written October 13, 2016
  • phxbug profile picture

    cool thx for the info

    Written October 14, 2016
  • origalde profile picture

    great upgrade, cool mate :)

    Written October 21, 2016
  • unixseb profile picture

    Thanks ! your low poly version is verry nice too ;)

    Written October 23, 2016
  • ChameleonScales profile picture

    This model is awesome, but too low-res for me. Can you provide the original high-res textures on a cloud ?

    Written November 25, 2016
  • unixseb profile picture

    i can even do better, here's the link to th source of the lidar datas, you can download them for free, and you'll get the highest resolution possible :

    Written November 30, 2016
  • StefanCozma profile picture

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    Edited December 13, 2023
  • Dushess profile picture

    you may upload your heavy texture elsewhere.

    Written November 01, 2024