Gumball Watterson Rigged(AWOG) Fan Art

  • October 10, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Jonathan Kim
  • License: CC-BY
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If you liked this, I'd highly recommend visiting my website. It has more models to download!

NOTE: This model is still a Work in Progress. I still have to finish the facial rig, and correct the weighting on the legs.

Shape Keys control the direction Gumball is facing. Have fun animating!

I created this character as an ongoing venture into Freestyle to utilize 3D elements to create a 2d world. I also submitted this blend to the blender Subreddit for the October Contest.

Post from the Blender Subreddit: Recently I have been trying to incorporate 3d into the 2d realm. Experiments with 3D objects and Freestyle have led me to produce this. I've tried many techniques and strategies to perfect the 2d look, and have succeeded in some cases while created workarounds for others. After attempting to create Nano from the Japanese animation Nichijou in Blender, I moved onto something I thought would be comparatively easier to create: Gumball. That show is an interesting blend of 3d and 2d art. The characters themselves most of the time never leave a sideways orientation, and appear to be 2D. The background however, is clearly 3D. Normally, that would create a clash in viewpoints, but TAWOG mixes the two dimensions perfectly. Now for the model itself. As Gumball stays in the same orientation most of the time, I thought it appropriate to simply create a 2d projection of him in a 3d space. Using bezier curves I modeled his face and body, including his clothes. His arms are the most dynamic part of his body, so I decided to model those in 3d. Although his arms are 3d, the average viewer doesn't notice because the rest of his body is 2d. Now for animation. Gumball has a very simple rig that gives users control of his legs, arms, and facing direction. I created shape keys to flip his legs and torso according to the direction he is facing. That way, He won't always be locked into looking to the right. His facial rig isn't quite done yet; I haven't created a rig for his mouth, and the rest of the rig relies on manual translation. However, as his face has almost no need to deform other than when he is shouting or smiling wide, there isn't much of a need for a rig with deforming armatures. The outlines of his eyes, face, and other features are generated by Freestyle. There is still much to be finished/improved upon, but I'm pretty happy with what I have now.


  • Jonathan Kim profile picture
    Jonathan Kim

    Stay tuned for an updated version. I'll be adding a face rig as well as improved leg weights soon. I might model Darwin Watterson as well.

    Edited October 14, 2016
  • luke1warm2grits profile picture

    when i try to load the rig in i can never do it

    Written October 17, 2016
  • Jonathan Kim profile picture
    Jonathan Kim

    Could you specify what you find wrong? Please elaborate on your statement.

    Written October 17, 2016
  • luke1warm2grits profile picture

    it might not be what you made it just be my dumbass because I'm still don't know much about blender,but ill tell you this when i go to click in the folder to load the model in it gives a blank page and when i play the animation its blank just the same as when i render it

    Written October 20, 2016
  • Jonathan Kim profile picture
    Jonathan Kim

    Hm. That is interesting. There a few things that might be happening: 1)Are you in the right blend file? Serious question, it's happened to me before haha. 2)Are you on the right layer? The main rig is on layer one. You could look it up if you don't know how to change them. 3)Are you in the Blender Internal renderer? NPR renders often work better in Non Photorealistic render engines, so this is built on the now nearly deprecated internal. 4)Do you have the most recent stable build of blender?

    Other than these things, I don't know how I could help you. Let me know if this works, though. If anyone else is having problems, please feel free to comment below. :-)

    Written October 20, 2016
  • AtomicFarts500 profile picture

    Please make more characters!

    Written February 01, 2019
  • Tech Boi profile picture
    Tech Boi

    How about you can do a 2D rig of Cricket Green from Big City Greens. Here are some images from the show featuring him if you want to use them as reference points. If you haven't watched the show, here is a link to this YT channel:

    Written January 17, 2020
  • Tdlp2 profile picture


    Written December 05, 2020
  • elenoraanderson profile picture

    Watch this space for an updated version. A face rig and better leg weights will shortly be added. Darwin Watterson is a possible model for traffic jam 3d

    Written June 26, 2023
  • halleyv profile picture

    emojiemoticons, and smiley faces can be copied and pasted here. Simply clicking an emoji will transfer it to your clipboard, after which you may use it wherever you like across all devices and browsers.

    Written July 20, 2023
  • PeregrineWard profile picture

    Remember that geometry dash breeze is not just a game, it's a reflection of constant development and creativity. You can create unique maps, and this proves that it's possible. Your creativity knows no bounds

    Written August 09, 2023
  • bessieelliott profile picture

    The characters themselves most of the time never leave a dino game sideways orientation, and appear to be 2D.

    Written October 02, 2023
  • melcalley profile picture

    Looking forward to seeing more from you..

    Mel/Sydney construction company

    Written October 05, 2023
  • EllenRRodgers profile picture

    Gumball Watterson Rigged is a nice post and I like these blends. If you look here you can find more and more ideas that provide us results.

    Written June 26, 2024