This is a creature I used in two of my projects. It has a simple rig made for posing and some shapekeys to control the eyes. You can turn of IK by changing the IK influence to zero on the bones marked with double circles.
Al the textures are made by me.
If you make anything fun I would love to see it.
It's not much, but I used your model's tentacles to animate the movie poster for John Carpenter's The Thing
Thank you! I am so glad I found your model. After spending so much time animating, shading, lighting, the little guy really grew on me, haha!
Here's the short film I made
I made sure to mention you in the credits at the end :) Cheers, Oli
I've used it in my short film: Feature character. Great model! Thank you!!
Very cute thingy good mode. l I think i have fun with it, thanks for sharing!