Rogue One Death Trooper Armor Fan Art

  • November 07, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Impaczus
  • License: CC-BY
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So I finished the rest of the body from my previous Deathtrooper helmet blend ( just in time before Rogue One will premiere unfortunately I didnt have the time to unwrap and rig this one unlike the helmet but Im sure you guys will figure it out.. I might upload an unwrapped and rigged version in the future but who knows lol.. a little warning tho: upon opening the blend file, you might notice its super high poly but that is because I cranked the subdivision modifiers to 2 in every objects for the render(and because it looks good even in the viewport xD) but its actually quite low poly once you enter Edit Mode.. I'll do a follow up on the weapon when I find the time in-between a few projects.. Also, I apologize since its a bit out of proportion compared to the actual photos of the real thing.. knew I should have picked a better base model to base this on lol.. so thats on me.. anyways.. enjoy! May the force be with you!


  • M7md profile picture

    So cool!

    but can you give me the human base model, i had problems finding one, and my stormtrooper is looking a bit fat :) if you can of course

    Great model, keep the good work and may the force be with you

    Written November 09, 2016
  • Oceliane profile picture

    The model is amazing, and have an incredible amount of details. The helmet alone was gorgeous, but this whole armor is truely a work of art and dedication! It is amazing.

    Written November 19, 2016
  • CaptainRex profile picture

    WOW Beautiful! Amazing! I salute you sir. Thank you for posting!

    May the Force be with you!

    Cheers, Rex

    Written November 24, 2016
  • Impaczus profile picture

    thankyou!.. youve got awesome blends too!

    Written December 03, 2016
  • kira1999 profile picture

    So did you sculpt it or build it by hand?

    Written November 29, 2016
  • Impaczus profile picture

    it was done with the traditional box modelling

    Written December 03, 2016
  • kira1999 profile picture

    hmm know any tutorials for this because I would sculpt this type of thing but extremely hard to sculpt in detail like that.

    Written December 24, 2016
  • Calsash profile picture

    This would be an awesome mod for a game like fallout 4! nice work dude.

    Written December 16, 2016
  • devogen profile picture


    Edited December 23, 2016