HDRI World Control Node

  • December 01, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: fxswan
  • License: CC-0
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HDRI is a great way to deal with outside lighting, but adjusting the image has been a pain. This node was created from one of Gleb Alexandrov's Youtube videos: How to Make 100 Awesome Images, Using 1 Hdri? This example texture is a simple Bing HDRI IMAGE search used as example and is packed in to the blend. The blender version used is 2.78a which was not selectable when I uploaded it. To use, simply download, append the node tree blend, go to World Node editor and add it to your node. Open the Node up and change the Image Texture to the HDRI you want to use. Use the XY and Rotate to adjust and you should be good to go. For a better explanation please check out Gleb's youtube video.

Hope this helps, I know it saves me bunches of time.


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