Auto Terrain Material

  • December 01, 2016
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: OliverMH
  • License: CC-BY
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A procedural terrain material for blender internal and bge. It's coming with node groups to perform texture blending based on the height and slope of a terrain. Everything works in real-time so you can basically create your meshes with an instant material preview, see this .gif (1.439MB)

Feel free to create your own combination of these slope/height blends to suit your very own landscape. I included a sample mesh and 2 material setups (node group' Terrain_simple' and 'Terrain_advanced') to get you started.

Please note: this .blend requires version 2.78 with "World Space Shading" enabled. Make sure to adjust the HeightScale parameter for your own terrains, this should be equal to the Z-Dimension of your mesh. Also it's recommended to have the lowest point of your terrain at Z=0.


  • claudolf profile picture

    Doesn't do anything

    Edited February 13, 2017
  • IamKraZ profile picture

    I see it, but can you make a tutorial to teach peopel how to make one?

    Written March 14, 2017