Nintendo Switch Joycon Grip Fan Art

  • February 04, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Wumbo123
  • License: CC-BY
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There are a lot of flaws that you don't see in the final image. I tried animating and messed up and never figured out how to get rid of the dang keyframes. Now the whole animation is all wobbly from me trying to fix it:( just try to fix the keyframe problem cuz I never could. the back isn't modelled accurately. The rough plasic material you will se is by Sebastian Zapata


  • Gestersmek profile picture

    To delete an object's keyframe on the frame selected in the Timeline, press Alt + I in the 3D View. Alternatively, you can use the Dope Sheet or the Graph Editor to select keys on any frame, using Delete instead of Alt+I to delete them.

    Written February 19, 2017
  • RobotUnderscore profile picture

    This is a great reference for modelling the grip!

    Written August 16, 2017