Cycles PBR shader for Quixel (Spec/Gloss Workflow)

  • February 06, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Packsod
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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Cycles PBR shader for Quixel!!! I noticed that there was several good pbr shadergroups created by Blender users,yeah,they are handsome,however, they are all designed for Metallic/Roughness Workflow(like Substance Suite). So I create this shader for Spec/Gloss pbr Workflow(Such as Quixel SUITE),for myself & the guys who need it.

Note: My .blend just Include the pbr shader & my SIGG bottle model,you can download sample models form Quixel site for shader test

This shader is drawing on others studies,especially,the part for metal was borrowed on BlenderBrit s PBRShaderV3,shared on his website(

I will improve it irregularly,you can also modify it to make a custom editon, whatever

Happy Blending!


  • strapazie profile picture

    Hey, I am also using the Quixel Suite and I found that the shader they provide does not deliver the results I want. I'll give it a try when I am Back home :)

    Written February 07, 2017
  • MajorNightmare profile picture

    Hi Packsod, ditto, roughness workflow is somewhat counter productive if the end goal is a game engine and Blender is just used as a proofer. I notice you have a slot for gloss and spec. Might be and idea to switch that to a single image like the Unity output from Quixel, where the Spec is in the RGB and the Gloss in the Alpha. Your version seems to be missing color data from Specular. My highlights are all white, versus the actual color they should be. Still looking better than the Semi Official Quixel Blender file, which made everything look wet, even if it had a matte finish. Cheers

    Written February 16, 2017
  • Christinme16 profile picture

    Thanks very much for sharing

    Written February 21, 2017
  • evilkoolade profile picture

    Can some one explain how to use this i can't even seem to wrap my head around it enough to google it you have a scene here that can't be rendered with a shader that i cant for the life of me figure out how to bring into my own scene much less apply to my own object.

    Written January 01, 2018
  • evilkoolade profile picture

    I finally managed to get this into a new file and have access to it in my start up file but i can only get it to render on the bottle that it comes on i have applied it to other things both with my own maps and the ones included but ALL i get is black no matter what i do

    Written January 01, 2018
  • 王鸿涛 profile picture

    总算找到这个插件 ,下了很多贴图都不知怎么连。

    Written June 19, 2018