Here you will find 4 pieces of bedroom furniture using real world measurements for consistency across 3D platforms and a physically accurate render.
2 Bedside Drawers 1 Chest of drawers 1 Wardrobe
The 3D models are already in groups ready for you to link/append to the scene
The .blend contains the PBR node groups by Andrew Price (blenderguru) and CynicatPro
The models are mid poly.
[Chest of drawers] 17,664 Verts 17.166 Faces 34,332 Tris
[Wardrobe] 1,718 Verts 1,678 Faces 3,374 Tris
[1DrawerCabinet] 551 Verts 557 Faces 1,080 tris
[2DrawerCabinet] 354 Verts 360 Faces 688 Tris