Recumbent lion, Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) , statue in marble, after original model from 1825, Thorvaldsen museum (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now Remake) from Autodesk. Throughout the ages, the lion has often been used in art as a symbolical guardian of one thing or another. This lion was originally created in order to watch over the memory of a famous man: the Austrian field marshal and diplomat Karl Philip Schwarzenberg (1771 - 1820). However, the memorial to which the lion was to have contributed was never completed. For more updates, please follow @GeoffreyMarchal on Twitter.
Thanks for asking! I do not have Instagram account but I am on Twitter if that could help. Thanks for tagging me ;)
Great work. We also made something with it on instagram.
Dear Micheal, this can be used for non commercial project. For commercial use, you should contact the museum.
I've made something to share on instagram, Do you use it so I can tag you there?