Wood Lathe

  • April 17, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: asterlil
  • License: CC-BY
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Here's my wood lathe, with maps and textures. There are four drawers in the bench -- I've left them very slightly open for better visibility. All parts have meaningful labels, and everything is grouped and parented to axes, ready to link or append. There's a second group on a different layer that contains five chisels: two gouges, a roundnose, a skew, and a parting tool. I pinched the handwheels from my table saw.

What's mapped: The control box on the side of the headstock has three separate text maps for the controls. The chisel handles are mapped to a woodgrain image, and the bench and the bright green bits have a nubbly cast iron texture -- the same texture map. All maps are originally from textures.com, but I've photoshopped them and run them through ShaderMap3. So they are sort of original. :-)

Creating shop tools is well out of my comfort zone, but educational. Floor drill press next!


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