Plane Jet

  • June 14, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: RecNinja
  • License: CC-BY
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My first blend and my first modelling with a 3d software. I used only a few of reference photos and I mixed the airplanes for create a personalized plane. There are some incorrect things and I used a lot of fantasy but if use it not too close can be useful. Textures and materials are very simple. In the next version i hope to improve the plane with real windows and seats. Please give me some advice for the future. (Sorry for the english) I used the plane in my video:


  • ThePefDispenser profile picture

    Excellent detail for close-ups as well as the wide shot shown in video. FYI - try instancing the wheel/tire assemblies to avoid out of memory errors for some GPUs. The 9 pairs of assemblies account for 3.4 million of the total 4.2 million vertices.

    Edited June 14, 2017
  • RecNinja profile picture

    Hi, thanks for the advice! My next step is to learn the instances ... For now I have decreased the size of Blend. At the beginning it was 230 Mb the original and 78 Mb for the zipped. Then I selected all the tires and chose"make link-object data" .I did the same procedure for bolts too. I do not know exactly what I'm doing but now the size of the original is 28 Mb and 10 Mb for the zipped

    Written June 14, 2017
  • RecNinja profile picture

    I've reduced the vertices from 4,3m to 1,1m. Work good?

    Written June 15, 2017
  • ThePefDispenser profile picture

    Works just fine. Nice job.

    Written June 15, 2017
  • RecNinja profile picture

    You've improved my blend with great advice. Thank you ;)

    Written June 15, 2017
  • coroca profile picture

    This is your first Blend and your first time 3D modelling? Are you some kind of Blender Savant?

    Great work for a "Newbie"!

    Written June 16, 2017
  • RecNinja profile picture

    Hi, I'm glad you like my plane, thank you :)

    I had only fight (and lose) with some cube and cylinder but I never seriously modeled objects because I thought it was very boring. Until a month ago I did not really know how to use textures, uvmaps, cute holes, main creases, etc etc and yesterday I learned how to use the instances (super!)

    I took 20 days to model the whole plane (6 days for smoking and 50 hours for rendering)

    Written June 16, 2017
  • N03L profile picture

    Hello there recninja, can i ask where u got ur tuts vids from or maybe specific youtube channels that can help. Blender tutorials are usually scattered across youtube some good and some bad and outdated and shouldn't be used in newer versions. So if u have any advice I'd love to knw. I just started out too like 2 months ago u cn view my blends in my profile.

    Written June 22, 2017
  • RecNinja profile picture

    Hi, I do not follow any specific channel .... I like to turn on youtube pages and when I see a tutorial with a good result, then I begin to follow it. You do not have to attach too much to a single user or channel, because it may happen that a user with few videos can get the same result with less effort.

    For example, if Blenderguru (which is one of the best in the world) has a tutorial where you can create a ship, a castle or a water simulation, you do not have to stop looking at other channels, but you have to search and look for it until you find it The same tutorials on other channels that have achieved a better result. If you do not find it then return to Blenderguru. I've always done this and I'm fine;)

    Written June 23, 2017
  • N03L profile picture

    Alright thanks. Blender is really huge tho lots of stuffs one can do. I'm currently looking for a really good sculpting tutorial, box modelling is gud but then u get to a point u feel ure not tasking urself well enough by simply modifying shapes.

    Written June 23, 2017
  • RecNinja profile picture

    If someday i will try to blender sculpt i link you the video tutorial that in my opinion is the best

    Written June 23, 2017
  • hchattaway profile picture

    Do you have a tutorial showing how that smoke trails was made or now of one? This effect is exactly what I want to do for a short I am making. Thanks for great work!

    Edited November 24, 2017
  • RecNinja profile picture

    Hi, thank you and sorry, just today i can see your message. For now i don't have more video... i hope soon

    Written December 05, 2017
  • rajumon2012 profile picture


    Edited July 05, 2018
  • RecNinja profile picture

    Thanks ;)

    Written August 09, 2018
  • kompgrafx profile picture

    love this work

    Edited July 25, 2018
  • RecNinja profile picture

    Thank you :)

    Written August 09, 2018
  • jeanj profile picture

    its cool but every time I download, it saves a html file and not a blender file. not sure what the problem is but cant download.

    Written November 06, 2018
  • jeanj profile picture

    lol opened the html and its literally just the code of the file in html form and not the file itself. I have no idea how on earth that could possibly happen lol.

    Written November 06, 2018
  • jeanj profile picture

    its cool but every time I download, it saves a html file and not a blender file. not sure what the problem is but cant download. I think the error is on the websites side. Cause if seen a number of errors now. Like edit doesn't work either

    Written November 06, 2018
  • RecNinja profile picture

    Hi, i can download it good.... hope you have solved the problem

    Written November 11, 2018
  • LAw_k2k2 profile picture

    does the plane have an interior?

    Written November 18, 2020
  • RecNinja profile picture

    No, sorry :(

    Written December 28, 2020
  • Aarohandas profile picture

    this model is not opening in blender 2.93

    Written March 01, 2022
  • evandop profile picture

    hey man awesome model! I'm on day 3 here, how do you close the wheel bay doors for flying animations?? thx!!!

    Written April 21, 2022
  • Aarohandas profile picture

    Is it in blender eevee? l cannot use it on blender cycles.

    Written June 14, 2022
  • James profile picture

    Can you please specify what the model of this plane this actually named? Also am I allowed to remove the sticker RecNinja (No offense I just want it to be blank).

    Written June 10, 2024